If anyone is between the ages of 30 and 60 and especially for men, gout (a type of arthritis caused by uric acid) is increasing becoming a risk. To reduce the risk, traditionally, the public is advised to drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol as well as avoid eating food high in purines (see chart).


Now, medical researchers in the US, UK & Canada are putting the blame on sweet drinks (non-Diet soft drinks) which contains a type of sugar called fructose.

They said that the increase in gout cases had coincided with a substantial rise in the consumption of soft drinks. A 12-year study covering 46,000 men aged 40 years and over with no history of gout concluded that with an intake level of five to six servings of sugary soft drink per week, the risk of developing gout was significantly increased.

The study suggests that “Men who consume two or more sugary soft drinks a day have an 85% higher risk of gout compared with those who drink less than one a month“.

Apart from sweet drinks, researchers said that fruit juice and fructose rich fruits (apples and oranges) were associated with a higher risk. So, they are advising patients with gout to reduce intake of apples and oranges.Last year, it was reported that coffee drinking reduces risk of gout. So for sure, coffee should now be preferred over sugary soft drinks, but over fruit juice?